There is city called Dambeni in South Africa !
August 12, 2005 - While doing some research on the Internet I found out that there is a city in South Africa called
Dambeni also ! I wonder if there is any connection?
In Loving Memory
It is with deepest regrets that we
announce the passing of two former inhabitants of the village of
Dambeni. Todor Stanishev (Theodore Stanisis) was born in the
village of Dambeni, Kostursko in 1920 to parents Trpe and Tsveta
Stanishev. On Thursday, April 1st 2004 he died peacefully in his sleep
to a long battle with cancer and leaves his wife Stoyanka Ballova.
Gjorgi Ballov (George Ballios) was an active participant in the
Macedonian community in Toronto. He died peacefully in his sleep on
Sunday, April 4th 2004 and joins his late wife Lena. Both will be
deeply missed.
Dambeni Message Board
I've just created a message board to which people can post on. If you're looking for any lost
relatives, or would like to share some stories please feel free to post them here.
Click to
view the message board.
Dambeni Christmas Dance 2003
There was quite the turnout that Saturday night in the downstairs hall of the St.Clement
Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral. "Makedonija" was playing the
music to dance the night away, and as always there were a tremendous
amount of prizes to be won in the raffle. Although I was quite
surprised how many people there were dancing to the Greek songs ...
oh well. I picked up some books of poetry by Vasko Karadza. If anybody
is interested, please email me at
. The books by Lazo Pop-Janovski were sold
out, and so were the ones by Atanas Bliznakov (I'll see if I can
source some of those books for sale on the website).
What I also managed to pick up was an enlarged portrait of the first annual Dambensko
Benevolent Society picnic in Toronto, Canada. I will try to get a picture of it online
and more details for those who would like to order it.
Not many of my pictures turned out, so apologies to those who were looking forward to seeing
Miss the Corn Roast
I don't know if I missed it or it wasn't held this year. This turns out to be an annual event so I
guess I'll wait until next year.
Grand Opening - July 8th, 2002
Sorry I was a day late with the Grand Opening of the Dambeni site. I had recently discovered a
lost relative of my grandfather half way around the world in Australia. It was extremely exciting
to me because my grandfather, Todo Stanishev was the only member of the Stanishev family I knew of.
Anyways, I had discovered a trail that his older brother, Yoto (Pete) Stanishev left behind.
After some research on the Internet, I had discovered that he had served with the US Army in
World War II and that there is a memorial in France for him.
Unfortunately there isn't much content to this site at the moment. I am currently compiling a
list of family names that were inhabitants of Dambeni, along with their Hellenized versions.
I am also putting together a photo gallery based on pictures from my grandfather's past and a
book by Lazo Pop-Janevski, entitled "Kostursko Selo Dambeni" which is written
entirely in Macedonian. I am trying to obtain copies of this book for
possible sale on this website. Along with that are 2 other Macedonian
books - one book on poetry, and another on it's history. And for
anybody who is interested, a panoramic shot of the attendants to the
annual 2002 Dambensko picnic (more to come).
Later on this year the
Dambensko Benevolent Society of Toronto, Canada will be holding their
annual corn-roast picnic in Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada. I am planning
on attending this function armed with my digital camera - I expect to
leave the picnic with no less than 50 photographs - and perhaps a few
stories and tales!
For the most part, stay
tuned as I constantly add and update the existing pages.
Ted Nitchov